A Macrobiotics Unexpected Gift And Answered Prayer AND Our Transition Back
Macrobiotics ~ An Unexpected Gift
& Answered Prayer
Our journey 'Home to Our Hearts' continues with a macrobiotics unexpected gift and answered prayer.
Recently, out of the blue, we were contacted by a woman who found us through our previous acupuncture clinic website, Barefoot-Acupuncture.com. She called Don on his cell phone, our old business line, asking for me as I had been listed as having training in macrobiotics. Her name was Nancy.
In 1997-98, I briefly interned with an acupuncturist at the Aspen Wellness Group in Aspen, CO. owned by Gary Smith who had created the 7-Day Diet, which he packaged in a box. He and his wife, Nancy, a trained macrobiotic chef with a client list that included Ringo Starr, organized 7-Day cleanses at the Aspen Wellness Group, centered around the 7-Day Diet. Each evening, participants would meet for a talk, then enjoy an artfully prepared macrobiotic meal prepared by Nancy, who graciously let me help. It was a very successful 7-Day cleanse that participants loved. (You can read more about my earliest introduction to macrobiotics, here.)
Naturally, when I over heard Don speaking to a woman named Nancy about macrobiotics, I excitedly grabbed the phone, although I couldn't imagine how or why she would have tracked me down.
Turns out she didn't. It was another Nancy, whom we had never met. She just called out-of-the-blue inquiring if we were interested in any of her macrobiotic book collection. She had about 16 different items, mostly books but also a couple old editions of Macro Muse magazine. I excitedly said yes.
About a week after our phone conversation, her box full of macrobiotic books arrived.
Giving Up Our Vegan Macrobiotic Diet ~ And the Pain of Going Against Our Selves
While under a lot of pressures during a particularly stressful time period, the discomforts of being vegan seemed magnified, especially with memories of past clashes with family and peers lurking in our subconscious minds. We felt pretty alienated as vegans, and once again, caved to the animal-centric culture. We swallowed the belief that whole grains, beans, and other plant foods were filled with anti-nutrients, such as lectins and phytates which allegedly block absorption of important minerals, potentially causing several health issues, including poor wound healing, digestive disorders, allergies, autoimmune conditions, and more.
Since we were still dealing with some of these issues, in 2017, we opted out from following our then vegan macrobiotic diet, which was centered around whole grains, beans and vegetables.
Grains & Beans Healed Us, So Why Did We Give it Up?
The crazy thing is, we went vegan in the first place because of a potential cancer scare! I had a pre-cancerous, fatty, tender, uneven sized, fibrocystic breast condition developing, on the heels of Don's first wife having been diagnosed with breast cancer. Don had prostate issues, with a family history of prostate and other cancers.
Those whole grains, beans and soy foods ~ the very foods many now avoid ~ fully resolved both of our potentially pre-cancerous health conditions!
During our meat eating days, or 'daze', we gave away almost our entire collection of macrobiotic books, and either got rid of, or lost so many other items of value. We also un-published our own macrobiotic books and websites, and essentially turned away from our path, and our hearts.
2020 ~ The Year Everyone's Life Changed
March 31, 2020, was my birthday. It was the last full day for us in our apartment in Scottsdale, Arizona. The world as we knew it changed, for everyone. While most people were 'quarantined' due to the 're-branded influenza virus,' we were on the move. We closed our practice, relocated back to the Midwest put our stuff in storage, went to Chicago to help prepare my mom's condo for sale, then returned to Michigan to move into our new home.
In June, we sold my mom's condo, and moved her to a nearby assisted living facility for dementia patients.
Well, at least our meat eating made family meal time much easier. That seemed to be a relief. We thought. Yet, at what cost?
On July 4th, 2020, Ruth Matesz passed. In December, John Matesz passed. In between, several other people we knew, including a grade school friend, old neighbor, my Uncle, and others also passed away.
Don and I saw the writing on the wall. The one thing all those who passed had in common was an animal-centered diet.
In 2022, we put my sweet cat Jasper to sleep to end her suffering from kidney failure. I felt like the Spirit of death entered our lives.
In hindsight, I can see just how much of a toll this took on us. It was a lot to process. My nervous system started to short circuit. We hit the wall, and our diet wasn't helping. Familiar red flag symptoms had reemerged. Signs of cardiovascular disease. Foot swelling and cramping for Don, fatigue, shortness of breath and palpitations for me, stiffness, poor recovery from training, fat gain, loss of mental sharpness, visual acuity, and other symptoms for both.
In 2021, the growing concerns for food shortages and 'an attack on our right to eat meat' prompted us to purchase half a cow from a local rancher, a separate freezer to store it, and a freeze-dryer to prepare long-term food storage. We invested quite a chunk of change into ‘preserving food for our future.’ Oh yay for us being so proactive. In the end, we gave most of the beef away, and sold the freeze-dryer.
Since our relocation back to the Midwest in 2020, we've done a lot of soul searching, in an attempt to heal, regroup, and better understand all that transpired which led to our giving up on our vegan macrobiotic diet, and our entire way of life.
Had we reminded ourselves of the hope held within Macrobiotics and Michio Kushi's vision of 'One Peaceful World' ~ perhaps we would have made simple adjustments to our diet, or our lives, without throwing it all away.
All that we had created, including books, e-books, websites, blogs, videos, and recipes ~ which at the time seemed to be going nowhere (there's that Erehwon, backwards again) ~ would have likely bore fruit had we only stuck it out and had faith.
When we live (and eat) in harmony with life ~ with Nature, and the subtle, yet persistent pull within our hearts ~ we experience greater flow and vitality. We become more immune to all the influences and voices of the external world.
Contrarily, when we go against ourselves, and live and eat disharmoniously to our true needs, we suffer. This, then, is our new clarion call and sense of purpose. To help others avoid the travesty and regrets that inevitably mount when following inferior operating systems that go against the natural order and divine will which speaks softly to us through our hearts.
Life lets us know when we are off course. The signs are always there. Our minds choose to ignore them, or deny reality in some manner in order to avoid discomfort and pain of being off course.
Transitioning Back to Vegan Macrobiotics and Our Answered Prayer
In 2021, we began to faze out meat, and reintroduce all the grains, greens, and beans we had previously consumed while vegan, from 2011-2017. We had a freezer full of meat which we tried to consume in small amounts a few days per week. The more we fazed beef out, the less we wanted it. At this time, we were still consuming warmed milk lattes, and making homemade yogurt with milk from a local dairy.
During fall 2022, we decided to visit the local dairy, and see for ourselves how the cows were being raised. We immediately gave up dairy after our visit.
In 2022, we transitioned back to a whole foods, plant-based diet, still consuming local honey that we had on hand.
During late spring/summer of 2023, we began to restore a vegan macrobiotic diet, centered primarily around whole grains, greens, land and sea vegetables, fermented vegetables, miso soup, and other plant foods.
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Quick Boiled Veggies, above; Steel Cut Oats + Millet Porridge w/ the QB Veggies + homegrown greens, below. |
Between 2022-23, the full impact of all that we had given up during our five or so years post being vegan, finally hit us. We were weary, and felt overwhelmed at the prospect of starting over, yet again. I wondered if I had any oomph left to start anything. My will, vitality, confidence and courage were deeply shaken.
Every morning, Don and I meditate. I begin my meditations with silent prayers. I pray for guidance, wisdom, healing, courage and discernment.
I also prayed to 'stop the leaks' and to restore that which was meant to be for us. Those items which held the greatest value, that aligned with our bigger picture vision and purpose.
We end our meditation saying this prayer aloud together:
Universal Divine One (Great Creator) please enlighten us. Ancient achieved immortals (and Divine Heavenly beings) please guide us. Natural angels, please protect us.
May all beings be well and happy, may all beings be free from suffering, may all beings attain enlightenment.
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March 31, 2023, my 60th birthday, several months after giving up animal foods (other than honey at this point) and restoring a whole foods, plant-based diet. |
Our answered prayer came delivered to our door just a few weeks ago. That box full of several old classic macrobiotic books, cookbooks, and writings by George Ohsawa, Michio Kushi, and others, with a few we previously had owned.
The timing of receiving the box of old macrobiotic books definitely seemed pretty synchronistic. It completely aligned with the medical I Ching inquiries we recently did regarding our health, with the primary themes from the hexagrams relating to 'family' and 'nourishment.'
The heart of Macrobiotics is the macrobiotic kitchen, and the primary chef of the household maintains the balance and health of the entire family. In other words, the chef is the family doctor helping members live a long, happy life, and avoid premature decline.
The Gift That Keeps On Giving
Macrobiotics, an unexpected gift and answered prayer is once again lighting our way back to health, and a much more clear sense of purpose.
Inner calm, joy, and vitality returns with every bowl of brown rice, vegetables and miso soup we consume. This magical trilogy is healing on so many levels. It's truly a spiritual experience.
For the most part, the weight of my past has finally lifted, thanks in part to some outside help.
All the grief and heart break from having gone against our (true) Selves ~ and God's Divine plan and purpose for our lives ~ took a toll, but we are restoring the years the locusts have eaten as we attempt to turn lemons into lemonade, and restore health at a deeper level. It's quite a process. We are still in recovery. However, we feel such relief with each passing day, and every meal centered around whole grains, especially brown rice, and vegetables. I discuss my recent, seemingly miraculous weight loss, here.
I even experienced a miraculous surprise visitation, and resolution to something that has bothered me for a long time. Something quite personal, which I may write about in a future post, or book.
I feel grateful to God ~ the Universal Divine Creator Source ~ for helping us learn the monumental lessons we've learned through our losses, and our renewed commitment and sense of purpose. Every free moment we have, we 'lose ourselves' in our now growing pile of macrobiotic books as I continue to order more of the old books by Michio Kushi and George Ohsawa, along with several macrobiotic cookbooks written by many other long-time prominent figures within the macrobiotic movement.
"Happiness only comes to those who tolerate unhappiness." ~George Ohsawa, from his essay on Baby Care, found in Macrobiotic Guidebook for Living
Being Born Again ~ Made New ~ And Taking Up The Torch
We may have lost ourselves figuratively, but we have been 'born again,' spiritually. We've only begun, and still have much to restore, and recover.
Our dream is to inspire a new generation of followers to the macrobiotic movement, and a more harmonious, natural way of life.
Given our background and training, including Chinese medicine, and Don having spent years as a live-in macrobiotic chef ~ along with years of practicing, studying and daily discussions centered around all things Macrobiotics ~ it seems clear that this was our intended purpose all along.
Falling away has only helped rekindle our passion. In addition to finally losing my last stubborn pounds of body fat, I sense my spirit being blessed with grace as joy and a lightness of being restores my once weary heart and soul.
As George Ohsawa wrote in one of his many essays which can be found Macrobiotic Guidebook for Living:
"To eat is to live. To live is to give....What do we give? All things exist for the purpose of giving life to higher beings. Just as the elements give freely to bring forth the vegetal, and plants proliferate and give themselves to form the animal, so we of the animal world must follow their sublime example, in utmost harmony with the Oder of the Universe."
Continuing, he adds,
"We must give. Give freely. Give everything. Give all, with pleasure in the giving. To give that of which you are possessed of plenty is not a true gift. To give truly means to deprive yourself of something dear and necessary."
We gave a lot of ourselves away. And now, what has always been meant to be is returning.
Macrobiotics is the gift of life that keeps on giving.
A guiding principle for a simple, peaceful, harmonious way of life, centered around whole plant foods, and in particular, whole grains ~ the seeds, or staff of life.
In honor of both George Ohsawa and Michio Kushi, and the younger me who was first lit up by Kristina Turner's Self-Healing cookbook, I will be making my original macrobiotic books available FOR FREE on my website, at either TracyMatesz.com, or VeganMacrobiotics.com.
More to come. Stay tuned!
Follow my weight loss journey, and all things macrobiotics related, here.
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