Feast For Famine Pig Roast - Wrong On So Many Levels!
A Pig Roast 'Feast for a Famine'???
Don and I passed by this Feast For Famine Pig Roast sign last week, and it definitely 'got our goat.' We drove back to take pictures, and with his inspiration, I decided to share why ~ as we see it ~ this is wrong on so many levels. I mean roasting a pig (is it even only one pig?) ~ at a church ~ to raise money for those dealing with famine?
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Gotta love the image of the pig sporting glasses and a huge grin, looking somewhat like a mafia boss and thinking to himself, "Heh heh, they finally got my ole' cousin, Vinny!" |
As a highly sensitive person (HSP) and empath, part of why I see this as wrong on so many levels is precisely because most people are completely oblivious to the obvious irony. Most folks drive by ~ or worse, participate ~ and think nothing of it.
I mean, this is a pig roast. At a church. With a sign sporting a sly, seemingly 'happy' pig ~ ready to be roasted, or, watch a 'pesky' relative become the sacrificial pig at a local church.
Why I view this as wrong on so many levels is less to do with what the Bible says about eating pigs, and more to do with the economic, energetic, ethical, and physical and spiritual health consequences of roasting a pig, all of which I touch upon in this article.
First off, it doesn't make sense to me to roast 1+ pigs ~ which as you'll read below requires hundreds of pounds of feed to get a pig to 'market weight' ~ in order to raise however much money to feed however many other folks, when there could be so many other ways to collect food, and/or help out those in need.
Nonetheless, let's start with a brief look at what the Bible has to say, since this 'feast for famine' pig roast is being held at a local church.
The Biblical Debate On Consuming Swine
Even among Christians there is an ongoing disagreement among those who choose to believe that certain passages in the Bible ~ such as Romans 14:1-4, and 14:14; Co 2:16; Timothy 4:15, Mat 15:11, and others ~ have 'overridden' the Old Testament decrees in Deuteronomy and Leviticus to AVOID hoofed animals, like pigs, and those who eschew pork from their daily pallet.
Both Jewish and Muslim faiths pass on pork. Perhaps some consume beef bacon instead.
Here are just a couple Bible verses used to support each side:
"And the pig, because it parts the hoof and is cloven-footed but does not chew the cud, is unclean to you. You shall not eat any of their flesh, and you shall not touch their carcasses; they are unclean to you." ~Leviticus 11:7-8 & Deuteronomy 14:8 ESV
"All day long I have held out my hands to an obstinate people, who walk in ways not good, pursuing their own imaginations––" (Isaiah 65:2, NIV) "Who eat the flesh of pigs, and whose pots hold broth of impure meat." (Isaiah 65:4)
"It is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person, but what comes out of the mouth; this defiles a person." ~Mat 15:11
"Let not him that eateth despise him that eateth not; and let not him which eateth not judge him that eateth: for God hath received him." Romans 14:3 KJV
According to, "Israel's Pork Problem," article in Slate:
"The story of Israel's contemporary pork industry dates back 50 years, when the Knesset passed a law banning the production of pork in Israel. The law––considered to be one of the most controversial in Israeli history–– was designed with a loophole that permitted raising hogs in majority Christian regions in the North as a concession to Israel's religious minorities and the young democracy. As a result, Christian-Arab towns became hog country."
Well, lucky them.
Problems With Pork
According to this article in PubMed looking at outbreaks attributed to pork in the United States between 1998-2015,
"Pigs can carry human pathogens, and pork products may become contaminated during and after slaughter. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has estimated that consumption of pork is responsible for 525,000 foodborne infections, 2900 hospitalizations, and 82 deaths each year. Several recent pork-associated outbreaks highlight the risks associated with this food."
Trichinosis Parasitic Infection & Symptoms - YUK!
One good reason to avoid eating pigs (aka 'pork') is because pigs are carriers of a lot of parasites, including trichinosis.
According to the Mayo Clinic, Trichinosis is a type of roundworm parasite that uses a body as a host to live and reproduce, typically found in carnivorous animals including bear, fox, cougars, walruses, wild boar and pigs. It is passed on to humans when consuming raw or undercooked meat.
Easy enough to avoid, perhaps, but, let's at least look at the health consequences when these parasites take up residence in your intestines, grow, and reproduce.
Trichinella larvae grow into adult worms (and mate) inside the small intestine, after which they travel through the blood-stream to different parts of the body, and bury themselves in muscle tissue. One can have these worms and be asymptomatic.
Once infected, initial symptoms can include:
- Diarrhea
- Abdominal pain
- Severe weakness and fatigue
- Nausea & vomiting
- High fever & chills
- Muscle pain
- Aching joints
- Swelling of the eyelids or face
- Weakness
- Headache
- Sensitivity to light
- Pink eye
- Itchy, irritated skin
No thanks. Not worth the risk in my opinion! I've certainly dealt with some long winded, nasty diarrhea and food poisoning from tainted animal products. It's not fun!
More than the physical consequences I endured, I realized just how much bad karma I racked up eating animal foods. Watch a few videos showing any of the animals raised for food (I've linked a few at the end) and you may lose your ability to 'stomach' animal consumption as well. Just like kids do when they realize they are eating their animal friends.
Most people do not want to contribute to such suffering! The problem is that Gag laws help keep the dark truths about commercial animal production, well, in the dark.
But(t) ~In case you want just a taste...
Ingesting Suffering
Potential contamination aside, have you seen any footage of pigs being raised, then brought to slaughter?
Well, here's a video of one pig being walked out to be slaughtered in a rural village.
Don't worry, nothing too gross here. There's a peaceful song playing on the video, with laughter, and time for a quick smoke while sacrificing the solo pig.
Note, for those who actually believe animals don't have emotions, or don't suffer ~ this pig clearly knows what is about to happen. He/she shows a strong desire to live which can be heard through his/her wails, and seen via its attempts to break free from constraint.
So, what do you think?
Or, wait, did you pass by the video?
It's only about 5 minutes long, and relatively 'mild,' so go ahead. Check it out.
I know I've been labeled 'too sensitive' for much of my life. I internalized this, believing myself to have some inherent flaw or weakness.
Now I see that having a willingness to bear witness to the suffering of others is a sign of having a natural empathy. Courage. A desire to know the truth, even if it is uncomfortable.
Commercial production is far more brutal. They suffer a gruesome death ~ often either gassed, or boiled alive ~ similar to what was shown above ~ which tops off their very undignified, constrained, stressful, and unnaturally brief life.
Here's a video showing some pigs being gassed, if you can stomach it.
And if you can't, well, that should tell you something ~ like why I see this pig roast 'feast for famine' as being wrong on so many levels. Including the irony of taking at least one or more lives to feed any lives when it could be avoided.
And, just remember, at least 90% of animals raised for food is done commercially, not independently on happy peaceful farms ~ many of which still send out their animals to be slaughtered elsewhere.
In case you missed it, pigs are either gassed or boiled, often while still conscious.
Can YOU imagine being stripped, and hung upside down, ankles bound ~ which is often what they do with the pigs, cows, and even chickens ~ waiting your fate while hearing your fellow family members wailing as they meet their end, knowing you are next?
Who wants to imagine that?
That's what having empathy means. It means you can't help but put yourself in the 'shoes' or 'hooves' of another's suffering, and cringing as you sense their pain ~ as if it were yours. It means you have a heart of flesh, not stone.
Sadly, much of our commercial animal food production is a truly sick system. I'm not sure how anyone who has any idea of how these animals are raised, and slaughtered would want to ingest such suffering.
Back to the irony of roasting an animal to feed the hungry ~ the feast for famine pig roast.
I'm not sure where the proceeds went as I did not call to ask. Butt (misspell intended) do you know how much feed it takes to raise a one pig to market weight? Between 600 - 900 pounds, depending upon final weight.
Market weight is reached in less than half a year.
According to Family Farm Livestock, "Feeder pigs need 600-700 pounds of feed per pig to reach 260 pounds live weight. Raising pigs to 300+ pounds of live weight will require an additional 200 pounds (or more) of feed, increasing the total feed needed per pig to a minimum of 900 pounds."
Barn Sanctuary
Don and I recently visited Barn Sanctuary.
They have over 2 dozen rescued pigs, all of whom are much larger than what a pig would weigh if not bred and fed to be fat, fast. As a result, they will endure a lot of health issues, including arthritis and difficulty standing on their own weight as they age. Their organs also eventually give out. The owners take care to monitor their feeding to the best of their abilities to control further weight gain.
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A Scottish wooly haired pig and owner Tom guiding our tour of Barn Sanctuary |
One pig, Jay, was their largest weighing in at over over 1,000 pounds.
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Jay, weighing about 1100 pounds, has entered the building. |
To feed their 30 pigs, it takes them 4,000 pounds of grain per 3 weeks, plus 50 pounds of produce per day.
What if there happened to be a food drive, collecting the equivalent of we'll say 900 pounds of dry goods, like brown rice, beans, split peas, lentils, pastas, or even, gasp, flour to make breads, or bread were passed out to those in need, along with some fresh produce contributed by local growers instead?
Spare the pig, till the soil.
As I contemplated more on this issue, I suddenly recalled a scene from Pulp Fiction. Samuel L. Jackson's character, Jules, tells John Travolta's character, Vincent, that he 'just doesn't dig on swine, because 'pigs are filthy animals.' To which Vincent responds, 'Yeah, but bacon tastes good, pork chops taste good.'
You can read the entire dialogue, here.
This exchange reminded me that we make all manner of rationalizations in our mind, like, we need to eat meat or we'll be weak. We need the protein. (Never mind that an elephant is among the strongest animals, who is largely herbivorous.) Yet, in reality, it's pure sensory indulgence. Vincent admits it.
Meanwhile, we don't see the cognitive dissonance playing out in our monkey minds whereby we find it perfectly acceptable, normal, and essential to eat cows, pigs, chickens, fish, etc., yet ~ at least in our culture ~ would not even consider eating cats or dogs. (Because, you know, 'dogs have personality.')
So how to we square with this?
The Ego's D's ~ Denial, Delusion, Distraction++
Only by shutting down our hearts, and allowing our EGO'S to do all necessary to keep us knee deep in the trough of what I referred to in my book, The Strong Spirit 10-Step Plan as 'The Dreaded D's' ~ denial, delusion, distraction, discounting, dismissal, etc.
As I mentioned above, I understood ~ after much self refection ~ why I/We turned back to eating animals, despite having become aware of the very horrific conditions from which animals are raised for our food, clothing and entertainment. For those interested, I thought I'd share a little here as we ourselves became a case study in those dreaded D's, and the antics of the negative ego! (Thankfully, we returned 'home' to our hearts ~ spiritually speaking, that is.
Clashes with family and peers that occurred while we were vegan ~ and as I'll explain, beginning much earlier in life ~ impacted us, more than we realized. That along with other life stressors including a couple bad business decisions while self employed led to certain conditions not improving which at the time, we blamed on our diet. Why? Because the mind looks for what it can most control ~ what we eat 2-3 times per day ~ rather than doing a deeper dive into the unconscious influences impeding our healing.
In Chinese medicine and Taoist Five Elements, we understand that the primary emotions like anger, sadness, worry, grief, and fear generate dis-ease. Each of these emotions is associated with one of the organs and their corresponding channels. This more 'whole-istic' understanding evades Western medical reductionistic paradigms.
These clashes left us unwittingly vulnerable to the many nutritional myths or 'beliefs' currently circulating, such as which foods are 'good' versus 'bad' for health. Or that you can't get adequate protein, iron or calcium eating only plants, and that 'anti-nutrients' like phytates and lectins found in plant foods inhibit absorption of these and other important minerals, including zinc.
The mind will rationalize, or jump to conclusions, associating symptoms with certain foods, which may actually have a non-food related cause.
Don's Background & Influences For Becoming An 'Ex-Vegan'
Case in point.
During our vegan years, Don and I did a lot of research, and concluded that a well-planned vegan diet would be a healthy and sustainable way of eating. Our early health improvements solidified our beliefs.
You can watch Don's video, 'Why I Quit Carnivory,' below. I think you'll really enjoy Don's article, "How I Fixed Foot Swelling" as well.
What is Really Driving Demand? Hyper-Palatable Foods!
Animal foods are heavier and denser than plant foods. They quickly fill the belly, and are relatively simple to prepare.
Foods high in sodium and fat (mainly animal foods, like bacon, pork chops, and ham, plus cheese or cheese dips, omelets, etc.) have been found to be the most 'hyper-palatable,' followed by foods high in fat and sugar (like donuts or ice cream), and then foods high in carbohydrates and sodium (like pretzels).
Think about statements we tell ourselves like, "Everything in moderation." Is this coming from our mind rationalizing something so that we can indulge in our sensory pleasures, or, are we feeling this as a core truth from the depths of our hearts?
Many people do not realize how addictive these heavier, denser ~ sodium and fat-laden animal foods ~ can be. We can't imagine not eating them. That's like a drug!
Doubt it? Which foods would be the hardest for you to give up? Is it a fruit? A vegetable? Whole grain? Bread? Or is it burgers, bacon, pizza, steak, chicken, or something else? Chocolate? Sweets?
These days, it's very easy to 'go against the grain' (literally), while going with the grains (and the beans, potatoes, and all the other plant foods, aka 'carbs') is considered 'too extreme.'
To me, what is extreme is roasting a pig to raise money for a famine.
Extreme is eating animal foods, and ignoring the growing evidence of poor health as a result. Or failing to connect the dots between our actions, and the consequences. Whether manifested as poor personal or global health.
We need only look around and see that the majority of us are sick and deformed. Far less versions of ourselves. And this isn't as a result of eating too many whole grains, beans, greens, vegetables and fruits, or even tofu and tempeh. Most Americans eat very few of these healthier, natural plant foods.
Just because consuming dead flesh is normal in our society, it doesn't make it ethically Right. It's just so 'normal' we miss seeing it for what it is, and that is wrong on so many levels ~ ethically, economically, energetically, spiritually, and for the health of our minds, bodies, and hearts.
I'm not quite sure if the participants of that pig roast believed they were making a contribution ~ or just feeding their minds with a false sense of virtue, while also feeding their bellies.
My Own Heart of Stone
My own recent snap back to reality after several years of returning to the dark side of eating animals resulted primarily from realizing that ultimately, it's a spiritual issue. I don't want to take in the energy of such suffering when consuming animal foods is unnecessary for my survival.
You can read about our giving up dairy after visiting the local dairy farm, here.
I contributed to the demand for animals raised en masse in massively horrific conditions, then ingested the pain, suffering and agony of these sentient beings. These smart, sweet sentient beings who have the intelligence of a dog, or a three year old.
Then I deluded myself, believing somehow that eating animals helped me feel more like myself. More spiritual. More 'natural' as in being willing to take a life to 'bring home the bacon', even though all I did was purchase roasts, thighs, breasts, and other animal parts pre-packaged at the local stores or markets. I didn't personally raise, kill, skin, and butcher any of it.
I had watched Earthlings many years prior. How did my own conscience go so cold? I'm still shaking my head over it, yet I do understand why. It's those unhealed parts, and the SOS as I mentioned, above.
I let my heart turn back to stone once. I certainly won't do it again!!!
I had been vegan in my past, long before the computer brought documentaries like Earthlings or Dominion into our living rooms. I can forgive myself for turning back to eating animal foods back in those days, guided as I had been by various alternative health practitioners as a means of 'curing candida,' eliminating sugar cravings, or to treat anemia.
However, more recently, beginning a super low carbohydrate diet in 2017, after five years of avoiding all animal products ~ despite having witnessed hours of footage of pigs, cows, chickens, and other animals being raised and killed in torturous conditions for our food, fur, entertainment, etc. ~ left me with many regrets.
So, let me be clear. It is very difficult to write an article like this that will not be interpreted by some as a bit 'preachy.' Yet, please consider this: My desire is not just about inspiring a transition from a meat-centric culture to a plant loving populace. Although a huge reduction in demand would greatly reduce a lot of unnecessary suffering ~ to humans, animals and our precious natural resources.
I also want to help others avoid my mistakes, and live a healthier, higher quality of life, and awaken their full Divine potential. Free of such regrets!!!
The regrets Don and I have were painful to face! We still feel very disappointed in ourselves.
More important than our own regrets, I can't help but consider the life of these poor animals being raised in such horrific conditions.
How we treat other creatures ~ whether one believes the Christian doctrine that God gave us 'dominion' over all nature, including all the animals or not ~ bodes poorly on our collective psyche ~ our physical and moral health.
Here's what a few others have to say about our treatment of animals:
"Man, do not pride yourself on your superiority to the animals, for they are without sin, while you, with all your greatness, you defile the earth wherever you appear and leave an ignoble trail behind you––and that is true, alas, for almost every one of us." ~Fyodor Dostoyevsky, The Brothers Karamazov
"He who is cruel to animals becomes hard in his dealings with men. We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals." ~Immanuel Kant
"You can judge a man's true character by the way he treats his fellow animals." ~Paul McCartney
"To my mind, the life of a lamb is no less precious than that of a human being." ~Mahatma Gandhi
"The assumption that animals are without rights, and the illusion that our treatment of them has no moral significance, is a positively outrageous example of Western crudity and barbarity. Universal compassion is the only guarantee of morality." ~Arthur Schopenhauer
(Read these and others here, and here.)
If you are interested, here are a few resources I recommend.
Also check out either Earthlings, Dominion, or India: The Land of Ahimsa.
Maybe you'll come away seeing why this Feast for Famine was wrong on so many levels like I did.
#Earthlings #Dominion #BarnSanctuary
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