Why We Gave Up Dairy After Our Visit To A Local Dairy

Giving Up Dairy After Visiting A Local Dairy

Don and I gave up dairy in the fall of 2022 after we visited a local dairy.  Once we began to transition away from our low-carb, meat-heavy 'daze' earlier in the year ~ we were able to return to our senses, and regain clarity. 

We asked ourselves, "How could we be living an illuminated life, while consuming animals?"

Especially when in reality, we can live, and even thrive without them?  

As an empath and energy healer, I knew better, yet I ignored my own knowing!  Spiritually speaking, I certainly believe that the immense pain, fear and suffering animals endure as they are heading into slaughter causes a surge in stress hormones and adrenaline which is absorbed into their organs and flesh, and passed on to the consumer.  I am not alone in these beliefs.  Studies (1)(2) do show that the increased stress hormones negatively effects the quality of meat

When that reality finally sunk into my saturated-fat thickened brain, it made me sick to my stomach.  That is an energy exchange I personally no longer desire to consume.  

We made ourselves sit through a couple more documentaries we had not yet seen (such as India:  The Land of Ahimsa, and Dominion, Farm Transparency ProjectWhat The Health, (and Debunking What The Health and others,) which drove it all home.  We had previously watched others, like Earthlings, and Forks Over Knives, yet this was fresh in our minds, and weighed heavy on our hearts.

I am pretty sure more people would become vegetarian overnight after sitting through some of these documentaries.  Most people have empathy and compassion towards other sentient beings when witnessing their immense suffering.

Our Visit To A Local Dairy

It was after visiting a local dairy last year that we instinctively knew that we needed to remove dairy from our diet as well.  (That's our conclusion.  Everyone needs to decide for themselves what to do, ideally based on true knowledge of the consequences of all our choices.)  That's when we really returned home to our hearts.

Here is my video about our visit to the local dairy.   Let me know what you think, below, or in the comments section of the video!


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